When Fear Holds Our Babies Back

Solid Starts founder Jenny Best and her firstborn Charlie at 10 days old

Five years ago today I went into labor with this piddling guy. And 5 minutes agone today I got the call that his covid exam was negative. I was then worn by time I got the telephone call I merely collapsed and cried. I am then tired of worrying.

At present that I have mothered 3 babies, I see clearly how some of them only accept a harder time. Charlie is 1 of those kids. Born barely breathing, he'south had a rough become from the showtime.

By the time Charlie was 9 months old nosotros'd been to the ER seven times. At beginning information technology was for breathing problems. I vividly remember RUNNING him to the infirmary in the rain one day. I didn't know what to do and I didn't trust that a taxi in blitz hour would get us in that location fast enough so my mama comport instinct kicked in and I only RAN, in the rain, clutching him to my breast. He was 3 months sometime.

Charlie Best in the NICU at birth, with a breathing apparatus

Every bit I earned the notches on my belt every bit an asthma mom, we discovered Charlie had life-threatening allergies to a number of foods. The first fourth dimension I had to stab him in the thigh with the EpiPen a 911 operator guided me through the motions on speaker phone, shouting over Charlie's crying and screaming. I've now had to do that three times.

The fears nosotros have as moms are often realized. They are valid. Yous are not crazy for worrying your baby might choke or have an allergic reaction. And you are non irrational for watching a sick baby sleep at night.

And yet, it is these very fears that ofttimes agree our babies back. For me, I became the mom that was going to protect Charlie from the slightest discomfort. If life wasn't going to exist easy on him, I was going to brand information technology easier. This manifested in a well-intentioned simply controlling way of parenting and it made its way into food, too. We survived on a rotation of 6 of his favorite foods, I stopped introducing anything new, and the moment Charlie refused to eat, I sprung into action to "assist".

And you know what? Charlie arrived at preschool below the onest percentile in weight and was merely kid who couldn't drink from a harbinger up. Or consume a raw apple tree. Or put on his ain shoes. Or pull upwards a zipper. Or get potty.

Solid Starts exists because of Charlie. It'southward virtually helping you let go so your babe can do what they are developmentally ready to practise. Information technology might take 3x every bit long, make a huge mess, and feel unnatural, but the reality is that these babes—they fly when we exit of the way.

–Jenny Best, founder, Solid Starts


Source: https://solidstarts.com/when-fear-holds-our-babies-back/

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